Fostering a positive online gaming culture for kids
- Part 1Safely fostering your child’s interest in eSports
- Part 2 Fostering a positive online gaming culture for kids
Show Notes
01:30Fostering sportsmanship and positive behaviors in online gamingParents can lead by example by setting a good example with screen time and talking to their children about the benefits of healthy habits and vitamin D. This empowers kids to set their own boundaries and make responsible choices regarding gaming and physical well-being.
03:01Addressing negative behavior in gamingRather than just jumping to conclusions, parents should aim to understand the situation and context of their child's behavior. Having conversations and enabling children to reflect on their behaviors creates a lasting positive impact, versus resorting to immediate restrictions.
05:08Kidas and protecting children in online gaming environmentsKidas' ProtectMe software monitors voice and text chat in over 400 games, identifying threats like bullying and online predators. It understands the game context to differentiate between threats and normal gameplay, providing alerts to parents as needed.
06:11Resources for parental monitoring and protection in online gamingKidas provides alerts to parents via text or emails about dangerous encounters such as talking with online predators and sharing financial information. The platform delivers weekly reports, expert recommendations, and guides for addressing dangerous situations effectively.
08:41Having open conversations about gaming with childrenParents use Kidas due to concerns about their children's gaming habits, such as excessive screen time. Before installation, parents should have conversations with children about their gaming experiences, show interest, and research to better understand their child's perspective.
11:33Conflict resolution tips for parents in gamingKidas platform offers conversation starters and step-by-step processes to help parents navigate conflicts that arise in gaming. Recommendations are tailored and adapted based on the child's age, frequency of incidents, and the specific situation.
13:53Limiting gameplay for childrenRather than imposing limitations on gameplay, open communication about the impact of gaming empowers children to manage their playtime responsibly. This enables children to impose their own limits, developing responsible gaming and time management habits.
17:23User generated content and opportunities in gamingThe rise of UGC and platforms like Roblox allow kids to create, potentially monetize, and market their own games. These platforms foster a sense of belonging, pride, and entrepreneurial, and business development skills that are transferable later in life.
"Parents that restrict their kids gaming because they came across a dangerous situation are usually not successful in the long run. Its about having conversations with your kid and explaining, not judging." - Ron Kerbs
"Kids need to develop the discipline themselves on how to limit their gaming time. It isnt negative as long as they know exactly what they're doing, and they understand the consequences of their actions." - Ron Kerbs
"When kids create games and have to market them, get the right people to play their game and promote, it teaches them about generating revenue and starting a business, very transferable skills that they can use later on." - Ron Kerbs
"Conversations about gaming with your kids are transferable. If they see you understand gaming, they're more likely to value your input on other topics." - Ron Kerbs
- Part 1Safely fostering your child’s interest in eSports
- Part 2 Fostering a positive online gaming culture for kids
Up Next:
Part 1Safely fostering your child’s interest in eSports
Ron Kerbs, Founder and CEO of Kidas, delves into online safety for children. While many parents worry about online gaming's impact on their children, eSports, a competitive gaming scene, offers surprising benefits. From fostering teamwork and communication to developing leadership skills, eSports can be a positive outlet for children. Today, Ron discusses how to safely foster your child's interests in eSports.
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Part 2Fostering a positive online gaming culture for kids
Ron Kerbs, Founder and CEO of Kidas, delves into online gaming and safety for children. The world of online gaming can be a double-edged sword for kids. While it offers opportunities for teamwork, strategy, and even creativity, it can also expose them to negativity, unhealthy habits, and potential dangers. Today, Ron discusses how to foster a positive online gaming culture for kids.