Hurdles in traditional, brick-and-mortar education

Dr. Richard Savage, Superintendent at California Online Public Schools, delves into hurdles in traditional, brick-and-mortar education. While traditional schools may struggle to meet individual needs, they are often the sole option for families without access to charter or online alternatives. Thus, parents need to understand the steps they can take to effectively support their children in navigating this setting. Today, Dr. Savage discusses how parents can help kids overcome hurdles in traditional, brick-and-mortar education environments.
About the speaker

Dr. Richard Savage

California Online Public Schools

- California Online Public Schools

Dr. Richard Savage is Superintendent at California Online Public Schools

Show Notes

  • 01:34
    Challenges in traditional schools and solutions in online education
    Many students struggle with fitting into the rigid structure of traditional schools, facing behavior management issues, social cue issues, and discomfort. Online schools provide a safer, more personalized, and flexible environment where parents can actively support their child's learning.
  • 03:59
    Online schools and meeting the needs of advanced students
    At California Online Public Schools, smaller class sizes enable students to progress at their preferred pace. Unlike traditional schools, students have access to a wider variety of advanced placement and elective courses to further enhance their academic experience.
  • 05:45
    Traditional vs. alternative models of education
    The traditional education system works well for most students but often leaves out around 15 to 20% who don't fit in. Alternative approaches like California Online Public Schools provide a better fit for these students, offering comfort and a renewed love for learning.
  • 10:15
    Parental advocacy and communication with schools
    Schedule a face-to-face meeting with school staff, expressing concerns calmly and offering solutions. Follow up on the plan discussed, giving a reasonable timeframe for action, and if needed, escalate concerns to higher levels within the school district for further assistance.
  • 13:51
    Flexibility in traditional schools
    Traditional schools often struggle to adapt quickly to meet evolving student needs. Research shows it can take three to five years for traditional schools to implement changes, which is why alternative options like charter and online schools exist.
  • 14:48
    Availability of online charter schools in the US
    Approximately 34 to 38 states offer options similar to California's Online Public Schools. However, a few states do not accept charter schools or online components for education.
  • 15:22
    Personalized Learning at California Online Public Schools
    Classes can be synchronous or asynchronous, depending on the student's needs. Classes typically run for 30 to 45 minutes, focusing on interactive activities that engage students and prepare them for the real world, rather than traditional lectures.


  • "Our teachers don't have 35 children sitting in front of them, so we allow our students to advance. They can go as fast and as furious as they would like." - Dr. Richard Savage

  • "The traditional school setting caters to the masses. It's okay for about 80%-85% of our student population. But the remaining 15%-20% of students feel less important because they don't fit into that mold." - Dr. Richard Savage

  • "To get issues addressed at your child's school, you need to get down to the school. Rather than coming in as an angry mama/papa bear, come in with a solution-focused plan, communicate it calmly but with passion." - Dr. Richard Savage

  • "If traditional schools were nimble and able to meet the ever-changing demands of our future generation, charter and online schools wouldn't exist. It takes three to five years for them to change." - Dr. Richard Savage

  • "Today's teachers need to facilitate dynamic learning experiences, enabling children to acquire knowledge by solving problems together and viewing things from a real-world perspective." - Dr. Richard Savage

About the speaker

Dr. Richard Savage

California Online Public Schools

- California Online Public Schools

Dr. Richard Savage is Superintendent at California Online Public Schools

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