How can museums spark my kids’ educational passions?

SVP of Science and Education (and HR) at The Franklin Institute, Darryl Williams, delves into the role of museums in sparking educational passions in children. Discover how museums can ignite curiosity, foster learning, and inspire the next generation of scientists and innovators. Join us as Darryl shares insights on the impact of interactive science exhibits and educational programs at The Franklin Institute in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
About the speaker

Darryl Williams

The Franklin Institute

 - The Franklin Institute

Darryl Williams is SVP of Science and Education at The Franklin Institute

Show Notes

  • 00:00
    How museums create interactive and engaging experiences
    Discussion on creating interactive and engaging experiences for children.
  • 05:45
    Role of museums in supplementing traditional school curriculums
    Exploring how museums can supplement traditional school curriculums for children.
  • 10:20
    Types of programs museums offer fostering critical thinking
    Description of programs that foster critical thinking and creativity in children.


  • “Science centers in particular are really designed to be hands-on, to really foster curiosity, to get students and families and everybody to really get into experimentation and things of that nature.” - Darryl Williams

  • “Science in general is very dynamic; it's not static.” - Darryl Williams

  • “We recognize that learning can happen anywhere.” - Darryl Williams

  • “Our whole focus is on making sure that people see science as accessible, science as relevant, that science is part of the everyday.” - Darryl Williams

About the speaker

Darryl Williams

The Franklin Institute

 - The Franklin Institute

Darryl Williams is SVP of Science and Education at The Franklin Institute

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