Future-ready learning — Dr. Babak Mostaghimi // Gwinnett County Public Schools

Dr. Babak Mostaghimi, Assistant Superintendent of Elementary Education and Student Support at Gwinnett County Public Schools, delves into the use of AI in public school education. In the age of AI, children’s interests range from creating video games to creating applications, and their education should support these interests. Likewise, parents must be involved in the process to ensure their children can explore those interests while also being exposed to new, potential interests. Today, Dr. Babak discusses future-ready learning.
About the speaker

Dr. Babak Mostaghimi

Gwinnett County Public Schools

- Gwinnett County Public Schools

Dr. Babak Mostaghimi is Assistant Superintendent of Elementary Education & Student Support at Gwinnett County Public Schools

Show Notes

  • 01:32
    Parental advocacy and the public school experience
    Parents must advocate for their kids, ensuring they receive the education they deserve. Encouraging schools to provide opportunities for children to explore their passions via the curriculum and extracurriculars, makes students more receptive to learning.
  • 02:47
    Tailoring learning pathways and extracurriculars to student interests
    Gwinnett County offers students access to specialized pathways at the high school level and extracurricular activities aligned with their interests at the middle school level. Ultimately, schools must offer varied choices to foster student engagement and exploration.
  • 04:27
    Parent engagement in education and the school experience
    From volunteering their expertise in afterschool activities to teaching classes, there are several ways parents can get involved. Moreover, by coming together as a group, parents can provide schools with the resources necessary to offer activities they couldnt before.
  • 10:07
    Educating children about AI and its potential biases
    Its crucial to provide children with the skills to understand AI at their grade level and detect bias independently. While adults should test the technology thoroughly before giving it to children, they shouldnt be solely relied on to filter content.
  • 14:22
    Parenting and the future of education
    Encouraging children's interests and passions is fundamental to fostering their appetite for learning. Irrespective of age, nurturing their current interests while exposing them to new ones is pivotal to their future development.


  • "When kids are passionate about what they are learning, all the other skills can be built into that. And they're willing to do almost anything to learn those things." - Dr. Babak Mostaghimi

  • "It's important for parents to advocate for their kids, and to make sure that they're getting the education that they deserve." - Dr. Babak Mostaghimi

  • "If you want a robotics club at your school, and you have some expertise around robotics, if you can get a couple of other parents together, you can make it happen. " - Dr. Babak Mostaghimi

  • "We must pressure test stuff with all the tough questions kids will ask to see what the answers are ahead of time before we just put some random technology in front of the kid." - Dr. Babak Mostaghimi

  • "No matter the age level of your kid, or what they're interested in, helping them to flourish and explore their interests while opening them up to new potential interests is going to be critical." - Dr. Babak Mostaghimi

About the speaker

Dr. Babak Mostaghimi

Gwinnett County Public Schools

- Gwinnett County Public Schools

Dr. Babak Mostaghimi is Assistant Superintendent of Elementary Education & Student Support at Gwinnett County Public Schools

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