Building the High School of the Future

Head of High School at Alpha School, Chris Locke, delves into the innovative educational model of Alpha School, featuring AI learning and life-skills workshops led by guides. The High School's renowned "Masterpiece Program" empowers students to pursue self-directed Olympic level projects. Join Chris as he discusses revolutionizing education and empowering students to achieve their dreams at Alpha School.
About the speaker

Chris Locke

Alpha School

- Alpha School

Chris Locke is Head of High School at Alpha School

Show Notes

  • 00:00
    Introduction to the concept of 2 Hour Learning
    Discussion on the innovative approach of 2 Hour Learning.
  • 05:45
    Benefits of condensed learning sessions
    Exploring how condensed learning sessions enhance student engagement and retention.
  • 10:20
    Revolutionizing traditional learning methods
    How Alpha School is changing traditional learning methods with innovation.


  • "What really attracted me to Alpha was this opportunity for students to pursue a masterpiece, and it was really exciting to be in a place where academics could be stressed, but more importantly, kids could pursue their passion." - Chris Locke

  • "One of the best parts about Alpha High School is, we don't have a 75-year, 100-year tradition. We are constantly iterating and continuously trying to improve the program." - Chris Locke

  • "We want to take the best of edtech with highly motivating and coaching guides to help the kids excel academically, but to shorten a traditional school day of six to seven hours into three hours, so that we can unlock the afternoons for them to develop expertise and to pursue this passion project, which we refer to as their masterpiece or their alpha expertise project." - Chris Locke

  • "We're using and harnessing the power of AI to make our students' learning more efficient, more effective; and so that is the key." - Chris Locke

  • “We don't have this year's AP scores, but last year, 94% of our kids got a four or five." - Chris Locke

  • “We wouldn't be doing a service to our students if they never got to work collaboratively on a project, if they were always working independently. So, we create those spaces. It's not every day, but it's every day in different subjects so that they can come together, so they can work through it." - Chris Locke

About the speaker

Chris Locke

Alpha School

- Alpha School

Chris Locke is Head of High School at Alpha School

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