What does the High School of the Future Looks Like

Head of High School at Alpha School, Chris Locke, explores the innovative educational model at Alpha School, focusing on the unique "Masterpiece Program" that empowers students to pursue self-directed Olympic level projects. By integrating AI learning and life-skills workshops led by guides, Alpha School revolutionizes traditional learning methods to unlock students' potential and passion projects. Join Chris as he discusses the future of high school education and how Alpha School supports students in achieving their aspirations.
About the speaker

Chris Locke

Alpha School

- Alpha School

Chris Locke is Head of High School at Alpha School

Show Notes

  • 00:00
    Goals for the upcoming year at Alpha High
    Discussing plans to enhance efficiency and expand the program.
  • 02:45
    Transitioning to a virtual program for students
    Exploring the possibility of offering the program online to reach more students.
  • 05:30
    Scaling the program to open more schools
    Plans to replicate the successful model in other locations.


  • "We do encourage our kids to get on it, but we also know that they're teenagers, so we have no problem if they have a pseudonym." - Chris Locke

  • "Oftentimes, you put a student in front of an adult, their head drops, they can't engage. Our kids are making eye contact. They're addressing and they're working with them because they've been comfortable being more like a peer to adults as opposed to this hierarchical relationship where they're just responding and regurgitating what's been told to them." - Chris Locke

  • "The traditional school system is just squelching kids creativity; it's crushing their love of learning." - Chris Locke

  • "We need an environment that teaches kids how to learn so that they aren't restricted on what they want to learn." - Chris Locke

  • "Everybody always says the generation coming up is unmotivated, that's not our experience. Our experience is lots of motivated kids, highly ambitious, that want to do this." - Chris Locke

About the speaker

Chris Locke

Alpha School

- Alpha School

Chris Locke is Head of High School at Alpha School

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