How Can I Help My Child Do Better in Math?

Prof. Jo Boaler, from Standford University and youcubed, reacts to the controversy surrounding her work and talks about math strategies that actually get results. Professor Boaler was one of the most talked about education controversies in a long while, and she shares what her papers and opinions for the state of California education actually are.
About the speaker

Jo Boaler

Stanford University & youcubed (the center I direct)

- Stanford University  & youcubed (the center I direct)

Jo Boaler is a Professor at Stanford University & Co-Founder at youcubed

Get Jo's new book, Mathish

Show Notes

  • 00:30
    Why is math education reform important?
    Discussion on the significance of transforming math education methods.
  • 05:45
    How can innovative teaching methods help students?
    Exploring the impact of creative teaching approaches on student performance.
  • 12:15
    What is the "ish" approach to learning math?
    Explanation of the "ish" approach and its benefits for students.


  • "There's a lot of reasons you need to know math to be an effective adult in the world." - Jo Boaler

  • "What we call blind memorization is not the best way to build memories." - Jo Boaler

  • "Kids' ability to estimate also predicts their math achievement for years and years ahead." - Jo Boaler

  • One of the newest pieces of research that we're translating to materials for young students now is showing that the way students groupitize predicts kids' math achievement for the next eight years." - Jo Boaler

About the speaker

Jo Boaler

Stanford University & youcubed (the center I direct)

- Stanford University  & youcubed (the center I direct)

Jo Boaler is a Professor at Stanford University & Co-Founder at youcubed

Get Jo's new book, Mathish
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