Resolving conflict with your kids in 30 seconds

Conflict Resolution Specialist, Amy Armstrong from The Center For Family Resolution, shares valuable insights on resolving conflict with children in just 30 seconds. By implementing effective conflict resolution strategies and creating a sense of calm and clarity, parents and educators can navigate challenging situations with ease. Amy's expertise in setting boundaries and reducing anxiety can revolutionize the way conflicts are managed in family and educational settings.
About the speaker

Amy Armstrong

The Center For Family Resolution

- The Center For Family Resolution

Amy Armstrong is Conflict Resolution Specialist at The Center for Family Resolution

  • Part 1 Resolving conflict with your kids in 30 seconds

Show Notes

  • 00:30
    Step by step approach to resolve conflicts with children quickly
    Discussion on practical strategies for swift conflict resolution with kids.
  • 05:45
    Common mistakes parents make when quickly resolving conflicts with kids
    Exploration of errors to avoid in rapid conflict resolution with children.
  • 11:20
    Ensuring swift conflict resolution addresses children's emotional needs
    Importance of addressing emotional aspects during quick conflict resolution with kids.


  • "Parents, treat yourselves the way you want to be treated." - Amy Armstrong

  • "Active listening plays a crucial role in resolving conflicts with kids." - Amy Armstrong

  • "It's not selfish to go inward and just say, what is happening with me right now? And get a little bit of distance between what's going on in ourselves and what we think is the responsibility of the other person that's involved." - Amy Armstrong

  • "Modeling repair actually brings us back into the community and helps us see each other as humans." - Amy Armstrong

  • "The research shows that the best way to create amazing habits is to link new habits with the habits that you're already doing." - Amy Armstrong

  • Part 1 Resolving conflict with your kids in 30 seconds
About the speaker

Amy Armstrong

The Center For Family Resolution

- The Center For Family Resolution

Amy Armstrong is Conflict Resolution Specialist at The Center for Family Resolution

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    Part 1Resolving conflict with your kids in 30 seconds

    Conflict Resolution Specialist, Amy Armstrong from The Center For Family Resolution, shares valuable insights on resolving conflict with children in just 30 seconds. By implementing effective conflict resolution strategies and creating a sense of calm and clarity, parents and educators can navigate challenging situations with ease. Amy's expertise in setting boundaries and reducing anxiety can revolutionize the way conflicts are managed in family and educational settings.