The Learning Game: Inspiring Critical Thinking in Kids – with Ana Lorena Fábrega
Kids are naturally inquisitive and ready to see everything with fresh eyes. But many traditional school settings sideline their innate curiosity in favor of teaching them how to follow norms and seek social approval. For most students, this stifles the innovative spirit and critical thinking we long for them to develop. For this episode, Ana Lorena Fábrega joins me to talk about the challenges of conventional schooling. She has fresh ideas about alternative educational pathways and possibilities for a world where AI and other technologies help our children maintain fresh perspectives and a true love for learning.
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Part 1The Learning Game: Inspiring Critical Thinking in Kids – with Ana Lorena Fábrega
Kids are naturally inquisitive and ready to see everything with fresh eyes. But many traditional school settings sideline their innate curiosity in favor of teaching them how to follow norms and seek social approval. For most students, this stifles the innovative spirit and critical thinking we long for them to develop. For this episode, Ana Lorena Fábrega joins me to talk about the challenges of conventional schooling. She has fresh ideas about alternative educational pathways and possibilities for a world where AI and other technologies help our children maintain fresh perspectives and a true love for learning.