How schools plays a key role in supporting children’s health & happiness?

Author and pediatric nutrition expert, Jill Castle, from The Nourished Child®, delves into how schools can play a crucial role in supporting children's health and happiness. With her extensive expertise in pediatric nutrition and education, Jill provides valuable insights on the impact of school environments on children's well-being.
About the speaker

Jill Castle

The Nourished Child

- The Nourished Child

Jill Castle is Author and Pediatric Nutrition Expert at The Nourished Child®

Show Notes

  • 00:30
    Importance of healthy eating for learning and development
    Discussed the impact of nutrition on children's learning and development.
  • 05:15
    Assessment of school nutrition programs and improvements needed
    Explored the current state of school nutrition programs and areas for enhancement.
  • 10:45
    Comparison of homemade lunches versus school cafeteria meals
    Shared insights on the benefits of homemade lunches versus school cafeteria meals.
  • 15:20
    Recommendations for school lunch menu improvements
    Provided suggestions for enhancing school lunch menus to promote healthier options.
  • 20:10
    Frequency of meals at school and the role of snacking
    Discussed the ideal meal frequency at school and the importance of snacking.


  • "We're on shifting ground right now when it comes to education about food and nutrition." - Jill Castle

  • "There's also a lot of food shaming with children. A lot of schools and educators are starting to tune in to the fact that how they educate about food in the school system needs to be a little bit more sensitive because not everybody has access to whole foods or organic foods or fruits and vegetables, for example." - Jill Castle

  • "For some kids, what they eat at school is the most nutritious meals that they will be able to have during the day." - Jill Castle

  • "I'm always telling parents when I'm working with them, don't get stuck on broccoli, green beans, and carrots. There's a lot of vegetables out there. Just keep trying new things. Same with fruit, same with grains." - Jill Castle

  • "Kids have very little control around what is on their plate at home or at school." - Jill Castle

About the speaker

Jill Castle

The Nourished Child

- The Nourished Child

Jill Castle is Author and Pediatric Nutrition Expert at The Nourished Child®

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